Indoor Plants for a Healthier Workplace
People are becoming more aware of the advantages of house plants. Plants absorb carbon dioxide and convert it to oxygen, but they also effectively reduce the amount of airborne chemicals in a given space, which is why it’s ideal to have at least one house plant!
If you’re not sure which plant to choose, consider any of these top 5 indoor plants for a healthy home:

Spider Plant
The spider plant is a very popular and well-liked house plant. It has long green leaves that appear to be green fireworks. Aesthetics aside, they’re useful for cleaning an area’s air and removing toxic chemicals found in common household items like nail polish, paint, and rubber.
Not only that, but the spider plant is ideal for beginners because it requires little care and thrives in a variety of environments. They’re also a great option for pet owners because they’re not toxic to cats or dogs!

Plantain Snake
The snake plant is well-known for its ability to clear the air of a variety of gases. It removes volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from the air, making it cleaner and safer.
Snake plants are tough and easy to care for; just don’t over-water them.

Ficus, also known as the weeping fig, is a tree-like plant that thrives indoors. The Ficus’ glossy leaves are excellent for absorbing a wide range of harmful compounds found in grease cleaners and other solvents. Make sure it’s in a bright spot in your house!

English Ivy (Hedera helix)
For workplaces with high pollution levels, such those with cigarette smoke, this plant is a fantastic solution. Toxins like benzene, formaldehyde, and trichloroethylene can be effectively removed with this method. It prefers frequent watering and moderate to bright light.
Lily of the Valley
The peace lily is another low-maintenance house plant that is ideal for beginners. The peace lily has thick green leaves that are excellent at removing ammonia and other chemicals from the air. Cleaning products commonly contain ammonia.
Peace Lily adores the shade. It will also let you know when it needs water by drooping its leaves. Remember to spritz the leaves with water on a regular basis!

Select one of the top six indoor plants for a for a healthier environment!
Anthony Hanson is a Chicago-based home and lifestyle blogger. He enjoys sharing his thoughts on the latest trends in home decor, fashion, and modern life in general. He recently co-founded The Velvet Nook, a lifestyle brand.