8 Seasonal Fruits that you should include in your diet this summer
Fruits high in water content not only help you meet nutritional needs but also support your body stay well-hydrated during the sweltering summer months. Fruits and vegetables can give you extra fluid if you don’t drink the necessary quantity of water each day, keeping you hydrated and healthy.
The fun part of summer is the wide range of best seasonal fruits that are available in the market, such as watermelons, strawberries, pineapples, and many more. Summers can be quite exhausting and force you to spend more time indoors to shield yourself from the sun. All health professionals, including doctors and nutritionists, advise incorporating more seasonal food into your regular diet. So, here are some delicious summer fruits that you must include in your diet this season.

Mangoes are loved by everyone. They are without a doubt our favourite part of the summer. Not only are mangoes our favourite fruit, but they are also a common ingredient in sweets. This fruit is used in a wide range of dishes, from mango shake and mango chutney to mango mousse and mango salads. As a result of their high antioxidant content, they can strengthen immunity. They also help to improve eye health and decrease cholesterol.

Many people love watermelon in the summer since it’s not only delicious but also packed with nutrients. This miracle fruit, which has a water content of about 90%, helps to avoid heart disease. The amino acid arginine, which helps the immune system function, is also produced by watermelon.

Due to its high quantities of vitamin C, manganese, folate, potassium, B vitamins, and flavonoids, strawberries provide a number of health advantages. Strawberries have a huge impact in lowering bad cholesterol and preventing heart disease. Because strawberries are high in fibre, having them in your diet can be beneficial if you experience digestive problems. The perfect combination for strawberries is pretty much anything and everything. They can be used as toppings for oatmeal bowls, added to smoothies, frozen into popsicles, or even covered in chocolate to create chocolate-covered berries.

This tasty and luscious fruit is a favourite of many due to its robust flavour and juicy texture. Vitamin C, found in plenty in pineapples, is crucial for preventing cell damage and enhancing your immune system. The high manganese level in pineapple is beneficial to bone health. It also contains a lot of fibre and antioxidants. You may combine pineapple and cheese, include them in salads, and even freeze pineapple juice to make popsicles.

Apples are a tasty and wholesome fruit that are popular practically year-round. Apples are a great snack and go well with salads, smoothies, pies, and desserts. Apples have been demonstrated to promote heart health, blood sugar regulation, and metabolic rate. They contain a lot of vitamins and minerals that support strong bones, teeth, and skin.
We all believe in the proverb “An apple a day keeps the doctor away,” and it really works!

Vitamins C and A, both of help to strengthen immunity, are rich in cantaloupes. The high potassium content of cantaloupes helps to control blood pressure. They contain an ingredient called beta carotene that helps to prevent cataracts and enhances vision.
This low-calorie fruit is used to create a variety of delicious foods because of its sweet flavour and healthy properties.

This fruit has a lot of fibre, antioxidants, and vitamin C. Papaya is a great source of vitamins for persons with diabetes and those trying to lose weight and can help prevent cholesterol buildup in your arteries, increase immunity, and promote weight loss. Papaya can be enjoyed as a snack by chopping it into cubes or by blending it into a cold smoothie on a hot summer day..

Because it hydrates and energises your body, oranges are a popular fruit of those who enjoy working out. This is crucial during workouts. Due to their high Vitamin C concentration, oranges provide a number of health advantages, including lowered cholesterol, enhanced heart health, and improved skin health. Oranges can be eaten whole to preserve their fibre or their juice can be squeezed out to soothe your summertime thirst.